" Class of '82 " 7th February 2023

David ( Mr H ) was my 6th Form Tutor at Queen Elizabeth's between 1980-82, as well as my British Govt. & Politics " A " Level Teacher. In those rather less " regulated " days, he steered a fine line between a steely determination to get down to serious work and an amused tolerance of various " high jinks ". When the discovery of an illicit still, assembled by a couple of 5th formers hidden in the Scout Hut was made known, he declared himself " Shocked ! ", although the twinkle in his eye, and the smile playing across his lips perhaps revealed a grudging admiration for their ingenuity ... Our Tutor group included some great characters, who've gone on to do well for themselves, and on one occasion, Mr H. was handing out some homework essays that he'd marked, with his usual critiques, " A little light on section A, you need to develop section B further etc ". He then came to David Skidmore, " Good heavens, David ! I've given you a B+ for this, I must have been drunk when I marked this ! " As quick as a flash, and with a comic timing of which Eric Morecambe or Peter Kay would be proud, young Skidmore replied, " That's quite apt, Mr H. , I was bladdered when I wrote it ! ". So sad to hear this news ... RIP Mr.H !